Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pin-up Peep Show, and other things that I am excited for

So on Sunday, tomorrow that is, there is this pretty sweet event going on down at the Troc, Celeste Giuliano's Pin-up Peep Show.  There's going to be a pin-up contest and some burlesque performances, and some "red hot" jazz band.  So it should be pretty sweet.

So, naturally being a girl, in my attempts to avoid doing homework, and now, even as a treat to myself after I've finished my homework for the week, I've been obsessing over what to wear.  So I'm pretty sure that I have narrowed down to this dress:
Mostly is just the question of shoes and accessories.  I have some pretty sweet Bettie bangs currently, so I'm thinking some sort of cute updo, victory rolls? lots of rolls? Lots of hair flowers?  See how much crap I can jam onto my head without tipping over? Sounds awesome.  

So, things that I am also sort of excited for. School is ending for the term December 8th.  I can almost taste it.  I am not entirely sure how I am going to tough it out through two more quarters and then have to wait all damn summer to take one course by itself in the fall.  I am, however, being a little proactive in my quest to not drive myself insane and be a little bit marketable once I am eligible to a real girl librarian.  A friend of mine was nice enough to take me up on my offer of an internship.  It's definitely going to be more work for them than it is for me, I can only assume.  But she has graciously allowed me to come in and learn all about how to be a librarian one day a week (it would be more but I can't squeeze any more time into my already cramped schedule).  So in addition to working with her and learning what a library director of a smaller public library does, especially as they are coming up to a time where they might be moving to a new space, she is having me work with some of the other librarians in the place so I can learn how to work the circulation desk, work in the children's section, teen section, cataloging, all sorts of stuff.  So I feel pretty lucky to have the chance.  I'm going to wear a thousand cardigans, it's going to be pretty great.

I always do feel a little weird that I am excited about my future career based on the dress code.  First of all, there really isn't one.  I cannot tell you how much I don't want to wear a hat to work every day anymore.  I hate they way it mooshes down my hair, I hate the way it slides all over my head unless I bobby pin it into place (I mean really, who has to bobby pin a ballcap?), and I really hate the way it sort of, along with the rest of the uniform, serves to dehumanize the wearer, making them into some mindless customer service robot.  I don't mind helping customers, but I look forward to being looked at as a professional.  As someone whose assistance that people will value, rather than just bark their order at me when I say hello.
For the record, "grande nonfat latte" is not an acceptable answer to "Hello, how are you?".  Other unacceptable responses to that greeting are, "yeah", "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wannnnnnnnnnnnnt....", or complete silence.  I know you heard me talking to you, you just clearly don't have the social maturity to talk to another human.

So in addition to the lack of hats, I am looking forward to not wearing ugly clog type Danskos, and instead trading them in  for my normal selection of slightly more chic footwear.  I cannot wait to wear a million dresses and cardigans.  I want to wear cute sweaters every day.  Did I mention that I love cardigans real bad? 

Sweater pr0nnnnnnn.  Yeah girl.
So other things I am excited for. Eating more pomegranates:

It is totally pomegranate season and I have been stuffing them in my face like my life is depending on it.  The photo above was taken right before I decimated that pomegranate like I was making love to it.  I've been having to brush my teeth extra hard so they aren't stained pink all the time.  And truthfully, I'm pretty excited for the actual day of Christmas, but I am wicked not excited for everything that leads up to it.  That whole month (or two) that leads up to Christmas really takes the wind out of my sales sails.  If I hear about another pre-black friday deal, I might puke.  More on that in future posts though, I'm sure.

I guess that's all for now. 
Later kids.

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