So I'm sure there are some wicked awesome photos of me somewhere at my parents house from the middle school and early high school when I was trying to sort out my look. Especially in high school, that shit was terrible. Most of the time it was just sort of blah (I still haven't gotten over my obsession with brown eyeshadow) but sometimes I would take it from boring to completely outlandish. Think: black other makeup. I was pretty cool, I know. I think I was starting to get into metal and goth at the time and I didn't know how to effectively listen to Bauhaus without having black shit smeared all around my mouth. I can only assume that it was applied really poorly, thinking back on it.
This is what I thought I looked like
This is likely pretty close to what I actually looked like
Fortunately after a little bit of this, I think my mother decided that she would try to nip this little shop of horrors in the bud and she took me to the makeup counter to get fixed up and have the makeup ladies give me the what for. Things went along better for a while. I finished high school and college without further embarrassment, at least in that regard, and for the most part I tried to keep the blade runner-esqe goth club makeup relegated only to actually going to the goth club.
Then I discovered the innerwebs. Yeahh girl. I love my mother very much, but she has never been the one that I would go to for makeup tips, mostly because I think I've only ever seen her wear any twice in my life. Enter youtubes and Ashley at Lisa Freemont Street. Now I can actually do a winged liner without looking like the progression that Jenna Marbles does in this video. Ch'yeah.
Also around this time I discovered Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage. It's pretty much the greatest. I tried those light reflecting concealer pens and I always kept getting the reverse raccoon look, like little ants were setting up spotlights underneath my eyes. Bad look, bros. It was discouraged by that for a while and stopped trying the under eye concealing altogether for a bit. When I don't sleep well enough though, I tend to turn into the greasy guinea that I am though, and it looks like I have two black eyes if I don't do something about it. Now with proper concealment my face can lie to you about how much sleep I've had, which is pretty cool. Magic.
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